You will need magical tools on a quest for self-discovery and magic. Usually, a magical tool brings to mind something physical: Gandalf’s staff, the divining disc of Pergamemnon, a cloak of invisibility, Glenda’s wand, or even your grandmother’s locket. Yes, talismans, wands, and other objects are tools. However, if magic is the art of changing consciousness at will, the magical tools for your mind below are potent beyond measure. (FWIW, I could fangirl endlessly about the creators and guides below because of what their works mean to me.)
Are you on a magical journey?
Every witch, mage, wizard, alchemist, and mystic (I use these titles as they feel right and safe for me, so self-identify as you wish) is on a journey—a path of inquiry, awakening, dreaming, and becoming. But, one element remains steadfast on the path of becoming: magic.
Starhawk elaborates upon Dion Fortune’s definition:“I’ve always liked Dion Fortune’s definition of magic as “the art of changing consciousness at will.” The ‘art’ part of that is using sensory imagery and symbols that evoke emotion. The ‘will’ is directed energy and intention. Together they shift consciousness—and while that may be purely internal and psychological, those of us who practice magic believe that that shift can also mobilize greater spiritual forces around us. We swim in an ocean of swirling emotion-thought-energies, and our focused intention can and will shift the tides.” —Starhawk
Magical tools support the art of changing consciousness at will
I’ve been thinking a lot about my magical journey. My initiation started with my physical healing journey but unfolded quests in healing, ancestral communication, entrepreneurship, motherhood, antiracism, art, and beyond.
I can pinpoint some big shifts in my timeline to 2017—when I started using the Monthly Manifestation Journal, Many Moons planners, and Haus of Hoodoo ritual candles below.
Something About 2017
I quit my nasty corporate job in 2017—I walked out and perhaps initiated an exodus of people who’d felt trapped just like I had. That year, I also reached a pivotal point in my journey of healing Lyme disease and started my company. In 2018, I experienced a late-term pregnancy loss. In 2020, I gave birth to my son two weeks into lockdown in a global pandemic.
I’ve navigated motherhood, work, and marriage as you’d suspect—like I am hanging on for dear life some days and other days, queen of a ship stockpiled with precious gems and messy toddler kisses.
I didn’t do any of this alone. I have a supportive partner, intuitive and magical friends, and many synchronistic connections with teachers in magic, ritual, ancestral healing, plant medicine, and more. These shifts I experienced were initiations, and the magical tools below absolutely facilitated and guided my initiations.
Magical tools for changing states of consciousness
The art of changing consciousness at will is a skill you can learn and practice. The magical tools below are my most beloved and sacred resources on this path of alchemy. They will help uncover invitations for alchemy when you are stuck, feel alone, or need help building capacity.

1. Monthly Manifestation Journal by Jessica Mullen and Kelly Cree
These journals are full of mystical knowledge—but not in an I have to read that paragraph 50x to get it kind of way. More like in a subtle and visually engaging Oh, now I get it! kinesthetic way. Like when you accidentally learn thermodynamics from cooking. Their inspiration and influences include Abraham Hicks, Wayne Dyer, Osho, Lao Tzu, Eckhart Tolle, Rumi, Ram Dass, Alan Watts, Neil Donald Walsh, Tim Leary, aliens, and more.
You can read about ‘no mind,’ nonduality, and the Law of Attraction, but how do you put them into practice?
These attention-training journals have helped me integrate the teachings of many wisdom keepers and modalities through short journal prompts and artfully designed exercises each day. Side note: this journal has helped me heal my distaste of modern manifestation (as in the gimmicky, overculture-supported, heavily marketed ick-manifestation) by moving toward feeling fulfilled now. You’ll learn lots of magical tools—go on a scavenger hunt,
Kelly and Jessica are the founders of the School of Life Design. Get to know Kelly and Jessica here: “We help you remember to love yourself and not give a f*ck.” What is not to love?!
2. Mediations by Jessica Snow
I’ve been working with Jessica’s meditations for years. You Are Magic LA is Jessica’s Hypersigil—a galaxy of inner experiences in one place. I struggled with traditional mediation practices. In my yogic training, I had a hard time quieting my mind. I judged myself for having a “monkey mind.” I also craved more imaginative experiences during meditation. Enter Jessica’s meditations, thank goddess. (I could fangirl about Jessica, too.)
These are alchemical visualization meditations—profound, intuitive, and magical. Journeys and quests filled with invitations to access your innate wisdom, meet guides, mark the sun’s and seasons’ movements, connect with nature, and pretty much everything under the sun and moon. Even, as my son says, the red eye of Jupiter. You can use the Synchronicity Machine (who doesn’t want to click on the green telephone?) or the Pick For Me option. The artwork is delightful, too.
I can’t list my favorites, but here are the magical tools I am loving right now:
- Circle of Stones: find wisdom with your circle of monoliths
- House: receive talismans and tools as you explore your house
- Callback: call back energy and vitality you gave away or was taken from you
- Deer: oh, so much sweetness and tenderness
Jessica lovingly offers free meditations on a monthly rotation. You may also find Jessica’s writing on Parallel Society on Substack, a super-natural landscape for thinking + dreaming + practicing curated by Jessica Snow.

3. Many Moons Lunar Planner by Sarah Faith Gottessdeiner
I started my first Many Moons in 2017 when Sarah was publishing quarterly. I have learned so much from the guidance from Sarah and many contributors. While it is technically a calendar or planner in format, with moon magic as the overarching structure, these treasures contain magic, wisdom, exercises, rituals, spells, and more. I’ve learned about Tarot, herbalism, astrology, self-love, spellwork, and beyond.
I’ve devoted myself to a rosemary plant, made moon water, buried things (it’s a secret!), pulled many Tarot spreads with guidance, practiced sex magick for the first time, and created intuitive art. These lunar planners are instruments of liberation and belonging.
I have learned many modalities safely and with care, equity, and discernment because of the dedication, honor, radical work, and courage of Sarah and the contributors.
In the planner, there is “space to write, moonifest, daydream, plan, and write the life you’re ready to live. Words have power, and spelling is a spell!” You can purchase the latest Many Moons here, find courses and resources on Moon Studio, and follow Sarah on Substack. Sarah is a goddess and beacon of light (to me). She is also a mystic, philosopher, and founder of the Moon Studio—a creative center for spirituality, beauty, and aligned ways of living.
4. Haus of Hoodoo Ritual Candles by Jessyka Winston
Since 2017, I have been practicing with ritual candles from Jessyka Winston. She founded the recently closed Haus of Hoodoo. This woman is a wonder (and, no doubt, a Phoenix). You can support her new beginning here. Whatever she does next will be magical, guaranteed.
5. Alignment Sanctuary by Karna Liv Nau
There is no better resource than magical, loving, abundance-creating women doing this messy rewilding work with you. Alignment Sanctuary is a living organism of community where “magical tools” move beyond online and into relationships IRL (woah! Revolutionary!). Karna, our courageous leader, is fierce, kind, and adept at holding safe spaces and creating containers for alchemy.
Hearing others I respect talk about themselves in the same way my inner critic runs rampant in my mind has fundamentally changed me—if I have compassion, empathy, belief, and kindness for others, why not for myself? Reflecting, reframing, and mirroring is a potent way to change consciousness.
We invite self-awareness by examining patterns and behaviors, mirroring, validating, questioning stories and narratives inherited from patriarchy and capitalism, rewriting conscious beliefs, and even healing with laughter medicine (yeah, we get weird). I’ve never experienced anything like it.
I’ve learned that we can heal toxic shame by shining light in the darkest, deepest corners of the psyche in a safe, discerning, and loving community. This alchemy leads to liberation. Regular attendance results in brighter eyes, clearer complexions, and life changes big and small.
Other alchemical tools
There are, of course, many magical tools. Find what works for you. Build your skills, learn, find teachers, and practice. I’ll be exploring these methods with you online:
- Connection with guides
- Antiracism practices with teachers like Britt Hawthorne
- Talisman making
- Inner child work
- Glamor magic
- Protection magic
- Ancestral communication and healing with practitioners like Ro Marlen and Daniel Foor
Awaken alchemy within
I’ve had many revelations, epiphanies, leaps on my journey—and setbacks. And the shifts keep coming. Changing consciousness is the alchemy I am here to do. Are you here on Earth for alchemy, too? (Maybe find a cool talisman or cloak for your toolkit, too.)